Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive environment in order to impact the lives of every student, every day by providing an education that inspires growth and promotes success.
School Goals
We will be the place people want to be.
We will have all students reading on grade level
by the end of third grade. We will have state
scores comparable to our district scores.
Vision Statement
Unlock the full potential of every student
Core Principle
Students First
All students can learn.
Learning is a life-long process.
Everyone is unique and has value.
Individuals must be prepared for a global society.
A safe and supportive environment nurtures growth.
Decisions must be based on what is best for all students.
Education is a joint school, family, and community venture.
Learner Expectations
We expect students to attain the world class knowledge, skills,
life and career characteristics as outlined in the
Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
World Class Knowledge
Rigorous standards in language arts and math
for career and college readiness
Science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM),
multiple languages, arts, and social sciences
World Class Skills
Creativity and innovation
Critical thinking and problem solving
Communication, information, media and technology
Collaboration and teamwork
Knowing how to learn
Life and Career Characteristics
Integrity, Self-direction
Global perspective, Interpersonal skills
Perseverance, Work Ethic